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The Road to Success

It's about time to update, I think!

The road to success is a very, very long one. It's long an winding, and often misleading. It's a bit more like a labyrinth. First of all you have to decide what your measure of success is, I suppose. To be always working? To be famous? To earn lots of money? And then, what do you do, once you get there? And how do you know you're there?

So, I plod on. I've been busy with auditions, and whilst I did manage to get some of them, most seem to have fallen through, for a variety of reasons, including clashes with dates, some kind of change of mind, or reasons I don't know about!

But, hey-ho, that's all part of this lifestyle, I suppose.

I've decided that until I have the showreel done, I'm not going to focus any more energy on doing theatre. I love the experience but I need to get this thing done, and I'm going the long route as it is. It would be nice to have the money to pay a showreel company to help speed things up, but, I don't! So I need to focus on roles that give me that footage. In just two minutes (max), I need to show some variety and ability.

As well as doing some background work (ssh! don't tell anyone!), I had the pleasure of working on a video for the MS Society, playing the, "firm but fair", boss of a sufferer returning to work (in my picture this time, I am looking watching my employee with concern). Like the Scope video, the scenarios are played two different ways to compare a negative versus ideal situation. I've uploaded both to the VIDEOS page, and hope to use these in my showreel, eventually.

I have one or two student videos lined up, and, as always, I'm applying for everything I can, hopefully heading towards success-ville.

Wish me luck!

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