Me, Me, ME
Hold on - it's coming soon!
My Name is Driver
All roads lead to wherever you want them to go. Provided you’re on the right road – and there are many of them, right and wrong, just...
Therein the Patient Must Minister to Himself...
Right at the end of the suffrage production was the chance to audition for a part in Macbeth, at the same theatre company. As ever, I'm...
Past, Presence and Future
In early Summer I decided it was time to do more theatre - as much as I like filming! Theatre gives you the time to look more into...
Space Age
Naughty me for leaving this for so long. Must. Try. Harder. Since finishing, Suff'ring, I enjoyed working with, 'the boys' (ie...
To Suff'r, but, Not to Suffer...?
Since November, I've been busy, and I've neglected my little, 'blogette', but, then who's reading, anyway, right...?! The work I can...
what showbusiness is...?
For those wanting to enter the glamourous world of acting, let me burst your bubble: it's not glamourous. Even for someone as low down...
Well it's been a while since an update, and I've been busy. As usual, I can't say too much about these projects until they're done, or...
The First Rule about Filming Is...
First update of the year! It's been a fairly slow start in terms of actual work, but the auditions and applications continue, as always!...
The Road to Success
It's about time to update, I think! The road to success is a very, very long one. It's long an winding, and often misleading. It's a...